Sunday, January 29, 2017

Have you attained your educational goals? Do you have a high school diploma? A Bachelor's Degree? A Master's Degree? If your education has taught you anything useful for this time of political strife, I hope it has taught you to refer to original source documents for information. In this age of technology, accessing source documents has never been easier. PLEASE read the real, actual documents for yourself. 

Once you read them, think about what they actually say. Look into how they compare with what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present in related areas. Use them to evaluate what you are hearing on any media. Then formulate whatever opinion you formulate. 

Act on your beliefs (in accordance with the laws of the land and of common decency, of course.) Stand up for whatever issue you believe needs your support. Engage others in thoughtful conversation about the issues of concern to you. But please, take the time you need to become informed. Actually, factually, informed. Do not listen to the hate mongers, the publicity seekers, the rabble rousers, and those who are pursuing their own private agendas using hype, hysteria, and agitation! 

It is true that such methods have proven to overthrow governments in other places in the past; but look at what sucked into the void that resulted. It has not replaced evil with good. So I’m pleading with you -- all of you -- on whatever side of the issues you stand, please use your intelligence, your education, your reasoning ability, your rights, and your decency to move forward in an informed, intelligent and reasoned response to the things that concern you. If you follow those stirring up wicked strife, the results will not be what you want. History does repeat itself. 

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